Are you a contact user and worry about dirt left in your eyes or how dry it can be after use? Well let me introduce you to アイボン/Aibon by 小林製薬/Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, where you would use this product to clean out your eyes after wearing contacts.

What is Aibon?
Aibon is a double vitamin eyewash that rinses out dirt or dust that is in your eyes after contacts use.

Why Use Aibon?
I have been wearing soft contacts for about a decade, but at the very beginning it was quite hard adjusting from glasses to contacts because they were so uncomfortable before use and after. After awhile I got used to it of course, however after use I definitely felt like something is still in my eyes and it just needed to be cleaned out. Which made me buy Aibon at a drug store. The packaging caught my eyes because it looked like it was cleaning eyes. My first impression of this product was that I thought it was for medicine use. But when I read a little more on the package it says it cleans your eyes after contact use and prevents eye disease. Which was perfect for me because I felt like I needed this. At the beginning when I first bought the blue Aibon package, it was too strong and I could not continue using it. Instead, I tried the pink one which was much better and it didn’t sting my eye. I believe my eyes had to adjust. Now, my eyes can use the blue Aibon, but I prefer the pink one.

How to use Aibon
As you can see on the package above to use Aibon,
- Fill the liquid in the cup up to the line (5ml)
- Attach the cup to your eyes
- Lift up your head up without spilling the liquid
- Open you eyes and make sure to blink multiple times to get all the dirt out

I usually let the eyewash rinse for 10 seconds. After you use it you can see little dirts here and there in the liquid. Please make sure to drain the used eyewash and use new liquid for the other eye. The reason behind is because you do not want to transfer the dirt with the same liquid when you want to cleanse out everything. Other instructions include do not eyewash rinse for 30 seconds, take your contacts out before use, and wipe eye area clearly if you used makeup before use. There is clear instructions and information more about the product right here in English. Please take a read before buying this product. If you are a contact user and would like to try this out, your eyes will feel fresh and clean. Even for non-contact users, you can still use this product to clean out dirt from your eyes!
Travel Size
What I LOVE about this product is they have a compact Aibon with 100ml. Which is perfect for traveling on a small trip. I make sure to pack this in my suitcase for it makes it less heavy rather than traveling with a 500ml one. The package includes blue bag (mini size only) so I can pack it without worrying about the liquid spilling.
Something important I need to mention is to make sure you do not have any allergies for I do not want you to damage your eyes. Please check in with your eye doctor if you can use this product. If you have sensitive eyes try for the pink one as I did. If you have stronger eyes, try the other colors like the blue one. Overall, it is a very handy product to have and I can not live without it. Would you be interested in trying Aibon? If so let me know in the comments down below!
All in all, this product is Kawaii (Cute) and Bendi (Convenient)♡
❀❀❀Want to buy this product? Let me help you!❀❀❀
Amazon Japan
Website link
Kobayashi Aibon Eyewash Precaution, Direction, Ingredients (English)
-Found all my information right down here↓