Ever watch an anime and you just wanted to eat what the character was eating? The animators makes the animation of food look so delicious which makes me want to eat directly from the TV. If you watch anime, you will understand what I am talking about. Well I was rewatching 干物妹!うまるちゃん/Himouto! Umaru-chan and noticed an episode where the character named Umaru-chan was preparing to eat her “gourmet menu.” This is not any type of gourmet menu, it was her perfect combination of junk food. These junk food can actually be found at a local grocery or convenience store in Japan. So I just had to try what Umaru-chan was eating because she seemed so happy eating her perfect snack combinations. So here I will be trying an anime food in real life.

In the first episode, Umaru-chan listed out six snacks which were potato chips, chocolate bamboo shoots, Coca Cola, dried squid, cheese codfish, and pudding. Which are all buyable items at the local grocery or convenience store. I bought all these items under 2000yen!

One thing to note on the picture down below is that the potato chips on the left side is identical to the anime, however the flavor of the chips is French Salad. The one labeled in the anime was Sour Cream, and so I bought the chips on the right because the chip texture and flavor looked similar and I wanted to have that accurate taste.

Ok now that we have all the snacks, there’s a method we had to follow on how Umaru-chan eats her snacks. First things first, you have to eat the potato chips and chocolate bamboo shoots to balance the saltiness and the sweetness. After that, once you are getting thirsty it is time to chug down on Coca Cola. Then you would repeat those steps.
After all the chips and chocolate is gone, next thing to do is to eat the dried squid and cheese codfish along with the soda. According to Umaru-chan, the sourness of the squid compliments the cheese codfish making it more tasty. Lastly, to end it all is dessert which is pudding.
*These pictures were taken a month before writing this so no it’s not expired haha*
My thoughts on trying this snack combinations was that Umaru-chan knew what she was doing. I mean the sour cream flavored chips along with chocolate bamboo shoots balances each other out so well and then having the soda after was a fun taste. I was quite nervous eating the dried squid and the cheese codfish for it was my first time eating them but wow, they actually tasted pretty good! then to finish it off with a pudding was a great choice for dessert due to its sweetness.
I would rate this 8/10 because I am a big fan of the chips, chocolate, and soda combination. This would be a great party snack or snacks to eat while watching a movie with family or friends. The squid and codfish I don’t mind the taste too much, but it’s not something I would buy to eat constantly. Overall, I really enjoyed trying Umaru-chan perfect snack combo because it was just fun to try and it led me to have found a way to use as a party snack. If you ever get the chance to try these snacks in Japan please give it a try! It’s definitely fun to taste test.
I also made a short video about it on the byte app here if you would like to check that out!

All in all, trying Umaru-chan’s anime food in real life was Omoshiroi (Fun) and Oishi (Delicious)♡